
Genotype Alteration: The Basis for Agricultural Transformation in Tropical Drylands

Volume 1: Selected Research Publications of Dr N.G.P. Rao: Sorghum

The NGP Rao Foundation Trust is in the memory of Dr. NGP Rao, a distinguished Agricultural Scientist and a former National Professor of Eminence, Vice Chancellor and Chairman Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board. The Trust was established primarily to carry forward  his legacy of:

  • Sustaining excellence in application of science for agricultural development
  • Addressing concerns for farmer well being and prosperity
  • Nurturing teaching and upliftment of young scholars and students
  • Supporting human spiritual development

Preamble: Dr Neelamraju Gangaprasada Rao (NGP Rao) was born in Korisapadu village, Prakasam district of  Andhra Pradesh on 5th September, 1927. As a pioneering Scientist  of  the green revolution era in India, Dr NGP Rao  is well known for his research in  genetics and breeding of rainfed/ dry-land crops and their production technologies, primarily sorghum (jowar).  Sorghum hybrids developed by him were cultivated in 8-9 million hectares of area to bring about  a revolutionary change in dry-land sorghums production, and in lives of millions farmers in rain fed areas of Maharashtra, Telangana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.  His work on sorghum also  laid the foundation for the development of seed industry in India, initially in public sector and later in the private sector. He came to be fondly known as the father of  hybrid sorghum in India. In addition to sorghum, Dr Rao also made significant contributions to the improvement of other dry-land crops, particularly long staple desi cotton, red gram, castor, and developing novel cropping systems.

          Dr NGP Rao strongly and passionately believed in harnessing developments across multiple sciences for  ensuring sustainable food security and farmer prosperity. Equally important was his belief  in the need to balance growth and  development driven by science with the need to evolve as a responsible society that contributes to human development. His  simple life style, enriched by godly devotion and spiritual pursuits drawing on our Indian religious and cultural ethos, epitomized these beliefs.  There is a strong need to catalyze the renewal of such passion for new science and  innovation,  while striving for a more fulfilling life  for  individuals and society.

            The Dr NGP Rao Foundation was established as a public trust  to honour the memory of Dr Neelamraju Ganga Prasada Rao, the eminent agricultural scientist and educator, and to carry forward his legacy of  excellence in application of science for agricultural development, concerns for farmer prosperity, passion for teaching, and human spiritual development.

Vision: Prosperous and inclusive agricultural and human development in India  nurtured by modern science, driven by innovation, and rooted in Indian cultural and spiritual ethos

Mission; Promote excellence and  innovation for growth, inclusion  and human development

Objects of the trust:

The objects for which the Dr NGP Rao Foundation Trust is founded are:

  1. To honor the memory of Dr Neelamraju Ganga Prasada Rao, the eminent agricultural scientist and educator (- also known as ‘Father of Sorghum’) and (i) to carry forward his legacy of excellence in application of science for agricultural development (ii) concerns for farmer prosperity (iii) passion for teaching and upliftment of young scholars and students and (iv) human spiritual development.  
  2. To spread the promotion of education and learning in all branches and more specifically in Agricultural Science and Technology.
  3. To train teachers and young scientists in ideals and practice of the true spirit of the education and learning.
  4. To catalyze and effectively promote excellence in agricultural research and education via:
    1. Giving Memorial Awards for Research, Teaching Training and Student performance at different levels
  5. Training teachers and workers in ideals and practice of the true spirit of the education and learning.
  6. Giving Best student awards in Universities, Schools, Colleges, etc., in India
    1. Or any other school or scholarship that the trustees may so determine from time to time
  • To advance Indian religion, culture and philospohy, including  vedic thought for the advancement of the nation. 
  • To promote  or partner on policies, strategic  initiatives and scalable models  in  agricultural innovation, education and human health via:
    • Digital initiatives
    • Market linkages
    • Education technology
    • Health and nutrition
    • Entrepreneurial and Employment skills
  • To establish a Knowledge Centre  to promote  thought leadership in sustainable agricultural and human development policies and actions.
  • To collaborate, partner or co-create with ecosystem partners /  other cultural and social institutions or individuals for the advancement of the above objectives
  1. To undertake propaganda, training and education of the masses either on its own or in co-operation with similar Agencies working for the cause of all round development of the Society.
  • To bring, publish and sell, distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures and papers and also to open and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.
  • To function as a Non-communal Trust and as a secular organization.
  • To establish centers for employment generation
  • To acquire and maintain the movables and immovable properties for achieving the said objects.
  • To advance any other objects of general public utility, including policy and intellectual property related.
  • To confer title on eminent personality in the field of science, education, etc.
  • To establish colleges to impart education in the area of higher education especially in emerging fields like agricultural sciences related to big data, GM foods, Biotechnology, and other allied fields.

Overall the trust shall be an irrevocable public knowledge development (for agricultural and human development) and human welfare trust, for the benefit of all persons belonging to whatever community irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion. The trustees shall stand possessed of the said amount of corpus endowed by the Authors of the trust and such other properties (both movable and immovable) as may be acquired from time to time by the Trust, by purchase, exchange, grant, allotment, subscription, endowment, donation, contribution, or in any manner to whatsoever (all of which shall be designed as Trust properties) on the Trust herein mentioned.

(The NGP Rao Foundation is a registered public  trust (332/ IV/2017) under the Indian Trusts Act)