Agri Startups

Dr NGP Rao strongly believed in the value of new ideas and innovative enterprises as key to farm improvement practices for enhancing farmers productivity and their lives.

Have An Agri Startup Idea?

Dr. NGP Rao’s contributions in the field of plant breeding and genetics have positively impacted crop production methods around the world and laid the foundations for commercial seed industry in India and other arid regions around the world. They inspired many seed companies and farmers to explore new ideas and methods, and to actively pursue sustainable growth.

Working on a startup idea? If so, then submit your idea to the foundation for further consideration

Submit your idea at or simply submit the form below:

    The NGPRao Foundation works as a co creator and a collaborative startup partner to help new ideas in agricultural science and related topics. It considers and invests in early stage agriculture ventures seeking to enhance farm methods and practices for the upliftment of farmers and their lives.

    The foundation team (comprising of professionals having diverse backgrounds in Agriculture & Related Sciences, Business Enterprises and Educationalists) will consider proposals on merit for mentorship and/ or for incubation as appropriate.

    Foundation team members

    Dr NH Rao: Bio

    Dr N Sarla

    NV Subba Rao

    N Seetaram Das

    K Shakuntala

    N Ganga Bhavani

    M Lakshmi

    You need three things to create a successful startup: to start with good people, to make something customers actually want, and to spend as little money as possible.

    “A thousand mile journey begins with a single step….
    keep learning & stay inspired

    AgFunder 2020 Farm Tech INVESTING REPORT