Dr NGP Rao – List of Publications

Genotype Alteration: The Basis for Agricultural Transformation in Tropical Drylands

Volume 1: Selected Research Publications of Dr N.G.P. Rao: Sorghum Breeding and Genetics - 2020

Genotype Alteration: The Basis for Agricultural Transformation in Tropical Drylands

Dr NGP Rao – Research Publications

    1. Rao,N.G.P. (1958) Gaorani cotton improvement in Andhra Pradesh: prospect and retrospect, The Andhra Agricultural Journal, 5(3), 1-8.
    2. Rao,N.G.P. (1958) Preliminary studies on the reaction of cotton to irrigation and manuring under the Tungabhadra project, The Indian Cotton Growing Review, XII(4), 1-8.
    3. Rao,N.G.P. (1958-59) Cotton growing prospects in Telangana, Journal of the College of Agriculture, Osmania University, Vol VI. 1-2.
    4. Rao,N.G.P. (1959a) A Note on D-340, a popular jowar strain of Tungabhadra Project, The Andhra Agricultural Journal, 6(5), 188-189..
    5. Rao,N.G.P. (1959b) A further promising jowar strain for Adilabad, The Andhra Agricultural Journal, 6(5), 212-213.
    6. Rao,N.G.P. and Bederker (1959), Improvement of Westerns-1 for wilt resistance, 5(3), The Andhra Agricultural Journal, 6(6), 220-222.
    7. Rao,N.G.P. (1959-60) A note on the performance of the Hirsutum barbadense hybrids under the Tungabhadrra Project, Osmania Agriculturist, Vol VII.
    8. Rao,N.G.P.(1960) Preliminary studies on breeding long staple gaorani cotton, The Indian Cotton Growing Review, 14(1), 19-22.
    9. Rao,N.G.P.(1960) Future problems of the gaorani cotton tract in Andhra Pradesh, Indian Cotton Growing Review, 14(3), 183-188
    10. Rao,M.P.N and Rao,N.G.P.(1960) Some perenneial cottons of Raichur and their utilization in cotton breeding under the Tungabhadra Project, Indian Cotton Growing Review, 14(3), 183-188
    11. Chandramouli, Rao,N.G.P. Ramana Rao, B.V., and Rizvi, H.A. (1962) Effect of fast neutrons on seeds of groundnut, Indian Oilseeds Journal, 5(2), 96-105.
    12. Shivraj,A., Rao,N.G.P. Ramana Rao, B.V., and Rizvi, H.A. (1962) Fast neutron-induced morpgogenetic effects of castor, Indian Oilseeds Journal, 5(2), 24-30.
    13. Rao,N.G.P.(1962) Occurrence of cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility in some Indian sorghums. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 22(3), 257-259.
    14. Rao,N.G.P. and Murty,B.R.(1962) Growth analysis of grain sorghums of Deccan, Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 33(3), 155-162.
    15. Kadapa,S. And Rao,N.G.P. (1965) Utilization potential of perenneial tetraploid cottons in improving annual gossypium Hirsutum varieties, Indian Cotton Journal, 19(5), 286-290.
    16. Rao,N.G.P. and House,L.R. (1965) Co-ordinated Sorghum Hybrid No.1, National Seeds Corporation Bulletin, 1(6), January, 1965
    17. Rao,N.G.P. and House,L.R. (1965) And Now Hybrid Jowar makes its appearance, Indian Farming, May, 1965.
    18. Rao,N.G.P. and House,L.R. (1965) Co-ordinated Sorghum Hybrid No.2, National Seeds Corporation Bulletin, 1(2), September, 1965
    19. Rao,N.G.P. and House,L.R. (1965) Co-ordinated Sorghum Hybrid No.2, National Seeds Corporation Bulletin, 1(2), September, 1965 Issue
    20. Rao,N.G.P. and House,L.R. (1966) Production breeding and heterosis in sorghum, Journal of the Post Graduate School, IARI, 4(1&2), 158-167.
    21. Rao,N.G.P. and House,L.R., Mohan D.P., and Kumari K.N.J.Ayengar (1966) Further studies in breeding hybrid sorghums, Indian Journal Genetics and Plant Breeding, 26(1), 27-44.
    22. House,L.R., and Rao,N.G.P.(1966) Breeding hybrid sorghums in India, Indian Journal Genetics and Plant Breeding, 26A, 86-97..
    23. Rao,N.G.P. and House,L.R. (1967) CSH-2, The Second Jowar Hybrid, Indian Farming July, 1967.
    24. Rao,N.G.P. (1968) Some considerations in breeding for higher yield, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 28-A, 31-42.
    25. Rao,N.G.P. (1968) Possible approaches towards increasing food production, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of India,  4, 13-18.
    26. Rao,N.G.P., and Harinarayana, G.(1968). Phenotypic stability of hybrids and varieties in grain sorghum. Current Science 38 (1),97-98.
    27. Rao,N.G.P., and Narayana. L.L.(1968) Apomixis in grain sorghums. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 28 (2), 121-127.
    28. Rao, N.G.P., Rana, V.K.S.. and Tripathi, D.P.(1968) Line x tester analysis of combining ability in sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 28(3), 231-238.
    29. Rao,N.G.P.(1969) SWARNA: The high yielding variety of Jowar that equals hybrids, Indian Farming May 1969.
    30. Rao,N.G.P. (1969) Comparative performance of hybrids and some improved varieties in grain sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 29(1), 79-87.
    31. Rao,N.G.P. and G.Harinarayana (1969). Phenotypic stability of hybrids and varieties in grain sorghum. Current Science, 38(1), 97-99.
    32. Swaminathan,M.S., Dhawan,N.L., Murty,B.R.,and Rao,N.G.P.(1970) Genetic improvement of crop plants initiates and era of vanishing yield barriers, In Agriculture Yearbook-New Vistas in Crop Yields, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India, pp33-146.
    33. Rao,N.G.P., Tripathi,D.P., and Rana.V.K.S.(1970) Induced mutations in sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 13, 46-48.
    34. Rao,N.G.P., and Rana,B.S.(1970) Characterization of tropical and temperate sorghums and their utilization. In National Symposium on Plant and Animal Genetic Resources. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
    35. Rao,N.G.P. (1970) Genotype x environment interactions in grain sorghum hybrids. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 30(1), 75-80.
    36. Rao,N.G.P., and Murthy, B.R.(1970) Components of heterosis in two sorghum hybrids. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 30(1), 230-236.
    37. Rao, N. G. P. 1970b. Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum. I. Heterosis and its interaction with seasons. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 30(2), 347-361.
    38. Rao, N. G. P. 1970c. Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum. II. Combining ability and components of genetic variation. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 30(2), 362-376.
    39. Rao,N.G.P.(1970) Sorghum culture: dry to irrigated farming, Indian Farming, September,1970.
    40. Singhania,D.L., Rao,N.G.P., and House, L.R. (1970) Inheritance of betacarotene content in grain sorghum, Current Science, 39(23), 44-45.
    41. Rao,N.G.P.(1971) Sorghum workshop recommendations, Indian Farming, July, 1971.
    42. Rao,N.G.P.(1971) Fertlizer for new varities of sorghum, Farm Extension Digest, Vol 3, Section III, 123-126.
    43. Rao,N.G.P., Harinarayana,G., Murty,U.R., Tripathi, D.P. and Balakotaiah (1971) Self incompatibility in grain sorghums, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 31(1), 151-155.
    44. Rao, N. G. P., and Venkateswarlu, J. (1971) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum.III: Heterosis in relation to dry matter production and nutrient uptake. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 31(1) :156-176.
    45. Harinarayana, G., Rao, N. G. P., and Venkatraman, R.(1971). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, IV: Chi-square analysis of association between yield, maturity and plant height in F2 generation. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 31(3), 442-450.
    46. Subba Reddy, B. V., and Rao, N. G. P. (1971) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum,V: Character association and response to selection in advanced generation progenies. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 31(4), 510-520.
    47. Rao, N.G.P. (1972a) Five years of sorghum breeding. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 31(10), 498-509.
    48. Murty,U.R., Rao. N.G.P. (1972). Apomixis in breeding grain sorghums, In Sorghum in Seventies, eds. N. G. P. Rao and L. R. House. New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.,  pp 517-523,
    49. N.G.P. 1972b. Sorghum breeding in India: Recent developments. in Sorghum in Seventies, eds. N. G. P. Rao and L. R. House. New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., pp 101-142
    50. Rana, B.S.and Balakotaiah, K. and Tripathi, D.P. and Rao, N.G.P. (1972) Adaptability of grain sorghum hybrids and varieties in India. In: Sorghum in Seventies. N. G. P. Rao and L. R. House. Oxford & IBH Pub. Co, New Delhi, India pp. 528-535.
    51. Sinha,S.K., Nair,T.V.R., and Rao,N.G.P. (1972) Amylase complementation as an index of heterosis in grain sorghum, .In: Sorghum in Seventies. N. G. P. Rao and L. R. House. Oxford & IBH Pub. Co, New Delhi, India pp. 536-539.
    52. Rao,N.G.P. (1972) Transforming sorghums, Indian Farming, August, 1972.
    53. Rao,N.G.P. (1972) Prospects for enhanced Rabi jowar production, Indian Farming, October, 1972.
    54. Austin,A., Singh,H.D.,Hanslas,V.K., Rao,N.G.P. (1972) Variations in protein and lysine content in sorghum vulgare, Acta Agronomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 21(1-2), 81-88.
    55. M. and Rao,N.G.P. (1973). Varietal differences and nutrient response in sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 34, 1016-1024.
    56. Rao,N.G.P., Harinarayana, G., Arunachalam, V., Tripathi, D. P., and Balakotaiah. K. (1973). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum.VI: Character associations under selection. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 33(1), 1-6.
    57. Murty,U.R. and Rao.N.G.P. (1973) Cytogenetics of sorghum, In Advancing Frontiers in Cytogenetics (A collection of paers in honour of Prof P.N.Mehra), Hindustan Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, pp 38-50.
    58. Vijaykumar, R., Achuta Rao, K., Kandilikar, S.S., Tarhalker,P.P., Harinarayana, G. and Rao, N.G.P. (1973). Sunflower research at IARI Regional Statio, Oilseeds Journal, 3(1) 23-25.
    59. Qureshi, M.R.H. and Rao, N.G.P. (1973). Breeding Gaorani cottons (G. arboreum race indica) of a new plant architecture, high yield and superior fibre attributes. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 34A: 848-853.
    60. Ankineedu G. And Rao,N.G.P.(1973) Development of pistillate castor, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 33(3), 416-422.
    61. Rana, B. S., Tripathi, D. P. Balakotaiah, K., and Rao,N.G.P. 1974. Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, VII: Evaluation of derived lines as male parents. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 34(1),128-132
    62. Rao,N.G.P., Rana,B.S., Balakotaiah,K., Tripathi,D.P., and Fayed, M.F.S.(1974) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, VIII: F1 analysis of ovipositional nonpreference underlying resistance to sorghum shoot fly. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 34(1), 122-127.
    63. Rao,N.G.P. and Murthy,U.R (1974) Further studies in obligate apomixes in grain sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 34(3), 379-383.
    64. Rao,N.G.P. (1974) New varieties and hybrids of jowar have high yield potential, Indian Farming, June 1974.
    65. Rao, N.G.P. and M.G.Jotwani. (1974). Sorghum midge. Indian Farming, December, 1974.
    66. Nanda,G.S., and Rao,N.G.P. (1974) Gene action for vitamins in grain sorghum, Crop Improvement, 1(1), 53-60.
    67. P.P.. and Rao.N.G.P.(1974). Changing concepts and practices of cropping systems. Indian Farming 25:3-7.
    68. Achuta Rao, K., Kandilikar, S.S., Rao,V Jaya Mohan, Anantharaman, P.V.,and Rao,N.G.P. (1974) Physiological characterization of groundnut types, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 34-A,1034-1040.
    69. Reddy,R.P. and Rao,N.G.P.(1974) Inheritance and relation with some yield components of plant and flowering habit in cajanus, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 34(1), 94-99.
    70. Reddy,R.P. and Rao,N.G.P.(1975) Somatic variation in cajanus cajan, Current Science, 44(22), 816-817.
    71. Reddy,R.P.,Singh D., and Rao,N.G.P.(1975) Character association in pigeon pea, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 35(1), 119-122.
    72. Nanda, G.S. and Rao, N.G.P. 1975a. Gene action for content of amino acid in grain sorghum. Indian Journal og Genetics and Plant Breeding, 35(2), 395-398
    73. Nanda, G. S., and Rao, N. G. P. 1975b. Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, IX: Nutritional quality and its association with yield. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 35 (1), 131-135.
    74. Balakotaiah, K., Rana, B.S., Tripathi, D.P., and Rao, N.G.P. 1975. Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, X: Inheritance of resistance to sorghum shoot fly. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 35(3),344-349
    75. Rana,B.S., Tripathi,D.P., Balakotaiah,K., Damodar.R.. and Rao.N G.P.(1975) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XI: Selection for shoot fly resistance. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 35(3):350-355
    76. Singhania, D.L. and Rao,N.G.P.(1975) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XII: Line performance in relation to heterosis. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 35(3), 387-90.
    77. Tarhalkar P.P., Subba Rao S. Vidyasagar Rao K., N.G.P.Rao (1975) Genotype-density-yield relationships in sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 35(3), 370-374.
    78. N. G. P., Subba Rao, S., and Vidyasagar Rao, K.(1975) Rainfall fluctuations and crop yields. Current Science, 44(19), 694-697.
    79. Tarhalkar, P.P. and Rao, N.G.P. (1975) Changing concepts and practices of cropping systems, Indian Farming, June 1975.
    80. Rao,N.G.P. (1975) Sorghum production programme, Indian Farming, December 1975.
    81. Ankineedu G., Balanarasaiah,D. Kulkarni, L.G., and Rao,N.G.P. (1975) Castor production can be improved, Indian Farming, Oct 1975.
    82. Murty,B.R, Rao,N.G.P., and Harinarayana,G.(1976) New approaches to classification, evaluation and exploitation of world collections of sorghums and pennisetum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 36(1), 134-135.
    83. Rajagopal, V., Rao, N. G. P. & Sinha, S. K. (1976). Nitrate reduction in Sorghum. I. Variation in cultivars during growth and development, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 36(1), 156-161.
    84. Singhania, D.L, and Rao, N.G.P. (1976a). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XIII: Environmental components of variability for grain yield for hybrids and their parents. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 36(1), 111-117.
    85. Singhania, D.L. and Rao, N.G.P. (1976b) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum XIV: Stability of hybrids and their parents. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 36 (1), 118-124.
    86. Rana, B. S., Tripathi, D. P.. and Rao, N. G. P. 1976. Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XV: Inheritance of resistance to sorghum rust. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 36 (2), 244-249
    87. D. P., Rana, B. S., Balakotaiah, K.. And Rao, N.G. P. (1976) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XVI: Effects of directional selection on yield and component characters. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 36(2),250-258.
    88. Rana, B. S., Jaya Mohan Rao. V., Tripathi. D. P., and Rao,N G. P. (1977) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum XVII: resistance to grain deterioration. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 37(3), 480-487.
    89. Rao, N. G. P., Rana, B. S.. And Jotwani, M. G. 1977. Host plant resistance to major insect pests of sorghum. Pages 63-79 in Proceedings, FAO-IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Advisory Group Meeting, Dakar, Senegal.
    90. Sharma, G. C, Jotwani, M. G., Rana, B. S., and Rao, N.G.P.(1977) Resistance to the sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata (Rondani) and its genetic analysis, Journal of Entomological Research 1(1):1-8.
    91. Rao,N G. P., Reddy,R.P. and Harinarayana,G. (1977) Somatic Variation in Grain Legumes, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 37(3), 457-459.
    92. Singh, S. P., Jotwani, M. G., Rana, B. S., And Rao. N.G.P. (1978) Stability of host plant resistance to sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata, Indian Journal of Entomology 40, 370-383.
    93. Rao, G.P., Rana, B.S. and Jotwani, M.G. (1978) Host plant resistance to major insect pests of sorghum. In Plant Breeding for Resistance to Insect Pests: Considerations about the Use of Induced Mutations, pp. 63–78. IAEA-215, Vienna.
    94. Rao,N.G.P., Vidyabhushanam, R.V., Rana,B.S„ and Jaya Mohan Rao,V. (1978) Breeding sorghums for disease resistance in India. Pages 430-433 in Proceedings, International Workshop on Sorghum Diseases. ICRISAT, 11-15 Dec, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India. Patancheru, A.P., India: ICRISAT.
    95. Murty U.R., Jaya Mohan Rao V, Rao N.G.P (1978) Induction of tetraploidy in apomictic grain sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding,  38(2),. 216-219.
    96. Rao N.G.P. 1977. Sorghum research and production in Sudan, Somalia and Yemen Arab Republic and people’s democratic Republic of Yemen. FAO, Near East Regional Office, Cairo
    97. Rana, B. S Jaya Mohan Rao, V., And Rao, N.G.P. 1978. Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XVIII: Breeding for resistance to grain deterioration. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 38(3), 322-332.
    98. Anantharaman, P.V., Achuta Rao, K., Kandilikar, S.S., and Rao, N.G.P. (1978). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XIX: Patterns of dry matter accumulation. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 38(3), 333-338.
    99. Damodar, R, Subba Rao, I. V., and Rao, N.G.P. (1978a) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XX: Genotypic differences for root activity. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 38(3), 421 -430.
    100. Damodar, R., Subba Rao, I. V.. and Rao, N.G.P. (1978b). Heterosis for root activity in grain sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 38 (3),431-436.
    101. Rao N.G.P., R.V. Vidyabhushanam, B.S. Rana, V. Jaya Mohan Rao, and M.J. Vasudeva Rao (1978). Breeding sorghums for disease resistance in India. In “Sorghum Diseases – A World Review”, ICRISAT, India, pp. 430-433
    102. Rao,N.G.P., Narayana,L.L. and Narsa Reddy (1978) Apomixis and its utilization in grain sorghum I: Embryology of two apomictic parents, Carylogia, 31(4),427-433.
    103. Narsa Reddy, Narayana,L.L. and Rao,N.G.P. (1979) Apomixis and its utilization in grain sorghum II: Embryology of F1 progeny of reciprocal crosses between R473 and 302, Indian National Science Academy, Part B, 88(6-Part 2) 455-461.
    104. Rao,N.G.P.(1979) Technological basis and components of sorghum production programmes. Indian Farming, 29:19-21.
    105. Pankaja Reddy R., Vidyasagar Rao, K., Rao N.G.P.(1979) Heterosis and combining ability in pigeon pea, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 39(2), 240-46.
    106. Pankaja Reddy R., Azeem,M.A., Vidyasagar Rao, K., Rao N.G.P.(1979 Combining Ability and Index Selection in F2 Generation of Pigeon Pea Crosses, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 39(2), 247-254.
    107. Rao,N.G.P., Vasudevarao, M. J., Rana, B. S., and Jayamohan Rao, V. (1979). Response to water availability and modifications for water use efficiency in tropical dry land sorghums. In Symposium on Responses to Water Availability, Water Technology Centre, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
    108. Pankaja Reddy R., Azeem,M.A.,Vidyasagar Rao, K., Rao N.G.P.(1979) Combining ability and index generation in F2 generation of pigeon pea crosses, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 39(2), 247-254.
    109. Rao,N.G.P., Rana,B.S., and Tarhalkar, P.P.(1979) Stability, productivity and profitability of some inter cropping systems in dry land agriculture. Pages 292-298 in Proceedings, International Intercropping Workshop, ICRISAT, 10-13 Jan, Hyderabad, India. Patancheru, A.P., India: ICRISAT.
    110. N.G.P., and Rana. B. S. (1980) Sorghum based cropping systems to meet shortages of pulses and oil seeds in India. Current Science 49, 622-626.
    111. Mishra,S.P., and Rao, N.G.P. (1980a) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXI: Early test cross procedures for selection of superior parents. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 40(2), 405-413.
    112. Mishra, S. P., and Rao, N.G.P. (1980b) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXII: Implications of parental selection procedures on hybrid performance and adaptability, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 40(2), 414-422.
    113. Rao, N.G.P. (1980) New technology for higher sorghum production. Indian Farming 30, 31-35.
    114. Nanda, G.S., and Rao, N.G.P.(1980) Genetic analysis of total protein albumin and globulin fraction in sorghum, Genetica Agraria, 35(3-4), 375-381.
    115. Murty,U.R and Rao,N.G.P. (1980) Mechanism of cross sterility in sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 40(4), 562-567.
    116. Murty, U. R., Rao, N. G. P., Kirti, P. B., and Bharathi, M. (1980) The present status of apomixis knowledge in grain sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 23:108-109.
    117. Rao N.G.P. (1980) West African agricultural systems and sorghum improvement. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, India. 32 pp. (mimeo.)
    118. Harinarayana,G.,Anantharaman,P.V., Rao,K.Achuta, Knadlikar,S.S. and Rao,N.G.P. (1980) Breeding sunflower populations, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 40(21, 212-215..
    119. Rana,B.S., Reddy,C.S., JayamohanRao,V. Murthy,U.R. and Rao,N.G.P.(1981) Apomixis in grain sorghums: analysis of seed set and effects of selection, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 41(1), 118-123.
    120. Barah, B. C. Binswanger, H. P., Rana, B. S., and Rao, N.G. P. (1981) The use of risk aversion in plant breeding: Concept and application. Euphytica, 30(2),451-458.
    121. Vidyasagar Rao, K., Subba Rao,S., and Rao,N.G.P.(1981). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXIII: Genotype x input management inter-actions in sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 41(1), 54-58.
    122. Balarami Reddy, B., Vasudeva Rao, M. J., Rana, B. S., Jaya Mohan Rao, V., and Rao, N.G.P.(1981) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXIV: Internodal patterns and their significance in sorghum breeding. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 41(2),409-413
    123. Rao,N.G.P. (1981) Genotype alteration: The basis for agricultural transformation in tropical dry lands. Presidential address, Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IARI, New Delhi, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 41(3), 437-449..
    124. Mishra, S. P., Sinha, S. K., and Rao, N.G.P. (1981) Genetic analysis of nitrate reductase activity in relation to yield heterosis in sorghum. Zeitichrift fur Pflanzenzuchtung, 86(1), 11-19.
    125. Reddy C.S. and Rao, N.G.P. (1981) Induced mutants in grain sorghum, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 19(4), 393-394.
    126. Rana, B.S, Jotwani, M., & Rao, N.G.P. (1981). Inheritance of host plant resistance to the sorghum shootfly. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 2(1-2), 105-109.
    127. Singh, B.U. and Rana, B.S. and Rao, N.G.P. (1981) Host plant resistance to mite (Oligonychus indicus Hirst) and its relationship with shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rond.) resistance in sorghum, Journal of Entomological Research, 5 (1), 25-30.
    128. N.G.P. (1981a) West African agricultural systems and sorghum improvement. ICRISAT/OAU/JP31 SAFGRAD Report.
    129. Murty, U.R., Rao, N.G.P., Kirti, P. B., and Bharathi, M. (1981) Fertilization in groundnut, arachis hypogaea L, Oleagineux, 36(2), 73-76.
    130. Tripathi, D. P., Mehta, S. L. and Rao, N. G. P. (1981a). Aminoacids in anthers of milo and Indian origin cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile sorghums. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 59(1), 113-116.
    131. Tripathi, D. P., Mehta. S. L. and Rao, N.G.P. (1981b).Soluble protein and isoenzymes from anthers of diverse male steriles in sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 41(1),170-177.
    132. Reddy, C.S, Rao N.G.P.(1981) Induced mutations in sorghum improvement; Proc Indian National. Science Academy, Part B; 47(3), 427-446.
    133. Reddy,C.S., Murthy,D.K. and Rao,N.G.P.(1981) Seedling growth stimulation & chromosome aberrations induced by solar eclipse in sorghum & onion, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 19(8), 757-759.
    134. Rao, N.G.P.. Rana, B. S., Jaya Mohan Rao. V., and Balarami Reddy, B. (1981). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXV: Development of new hybrids and varieties and their performance. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 41(2) :213-219.
    135. Reddy R.P. and Rao,N.G.P.(1981) Genetic improvement of pigeonpea,; Proceedings International Workshop on Pigeonpeas, ICRISAT, Patancheru,, (1980), Vol.1; pp. 393-402.
    136. Tripathi, D. P., Dongre. A. B., Mehta, S. L. and Rao, N.G. P. (1982). Soluble protein and esterase isoenzyme pattern on isoelectric focussing from seeds and anthers of diverse cytoplasmic genetic male sterile sorghums. Zeitischrigt Pflanzenzuchtung, 88(1), 69-78.
    137. Tripathi, D. P., Mehta. S. L. Nam-Prakash. and Rao. N.G.P. (1982). Characterization of diverse male sterile pollen grains by scanning electron microscopy. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 42(1) :75-81.
    138. Rao,N.G.P..(1982). Transforming traditional sorghums in India.. in Sorghum in Eighties, Proc. International Symposium on Sorghum, 2-7 November, 1981, Vol. 1, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 39-60.
    139. Rao NGP and Rana BS. Selection in Temperate-Tropical crosses of sorghum. In Sorghum in the Eighties. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sorghum, Vol. 1, , Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, pp 403−419.
    140. Jaya Mohan Rao, V., Balarami Reddy, R., Ekladiaus, K.G., Rana, B. S., and Rao, N. G. P. (1982). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXVI: Basis for further improvement of parental lines. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 42(1), 60-63.
    141. Balarami Reddi, B., and Rao, N. G. P. (1982). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXVII: Bridging the gap between hybrid and varietal performance. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 42(1), 64-69.
    142. Rana,B.S.. Anahosur.K. H., Vasudeva Rao, M. J.. Jayamohan Rao, V., Parameswarappa, B., and Rao,N.G.P. (1982) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXVIII: Inheritance of field resistance to sorghum downy mildew. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 42(1), 70-74.
    143. Indira, S., B.S. Rana and N.G.P. Rao. (1982). Genetics of some exotic and Indian crosses in sorghum. XXIX. Further studies on the incidence and genetics of rust resistance in sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 42(1), 106-113.
    144. Rana, B S,Anahosur, K H., Rao, V J M., Parameswarappa, B., and Rao, N. G. P.(1982) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum, XXX: Inheritance of field resistance to sorghum charcoal rot and selection for multiple disease resistance. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 42(3), 302-310.
    145. Mishra,S.P., Sinha,S.K., and Rao,N.G.P.(1982) Heterosis and combining ability for amylase activity in germinating seeds of sorghum. Zeitichrift fur pflanzenguchtung, 89(3), 187-191.
    146. Rao, N.G.P. and Rana, B.S. (1982). Selection in temperate x tropical crosses of sorghum. Pages 403-420 In Sorghum in Eighties, Proceedings of international symposium onsorghum, 2-7, November 1981, ICRISAT, Patancheru,Andhra Pradesh, India
    147. Murty,U.R, Kirti,P.B. Bharathi,M., and Rao,N.G.P.(1982) Identification of the chromosomes of groundnut, Arachis hypogaea Cytologia 47(3-4), 585-594.
    148. Kirti, P B and Murty, U R and Bharathi, M and Rao, N G P (1982) Chromosome pairing in F1 hybrid Arachis hypogaea L. X A. monticola Krap. et Rig. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 62 (2), 139-144.
    149. Bharathi,M., Kirti,P.B., Murty,U.R., Rao,N.G.P. (1982) Alien incorporation in groundnut arachis hypogaea, Oleagineux; 37(6), 301-305.
    150. Kirti, P.B., Murty, U.R. & Rao, N.G.P (1982). Chromosomal studies of cross-sterile and cross-fertile sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench. Genetica 59, 229–232.
    151. Tripathi, D P and Mehta, S L and Rao, N G P (1983) Soluble proteins and isoenzymes from seeds of diverse male steriles of sorghum, (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 64 (04). pp. 325-331.
    152. Singh, B.U., Rana, B.S., Reddy, B.B. and Rao, N. G. P. (1983) Host plant resistance to stalk-borer, Chilo partellus, in sorghum, Insect Science and Its Application, 4(4), 407-413.
    153. Indira, S and Rana, B S,Reddy , B B and Rao , N G P (1983) Stability of host plant resistance to sorghum charcoal rot. Indian Phytopathology, 36 (3). pp. 473-479.
    154. Indira, S and Rana, B S and Rao , N G P (1983a) Genetics of host plant resistance to rust in sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 43(2), 193-199.
    155. Rao, V.J.M., Shanta,I.M., Mehta,S.L., and Rao,N.G.P. (1983) Soluble Protein Patterns and Esterase Isoenzyme Patterns in High Lysine Sorghums and their Crosses, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 43(3), 328-341.
    156. Rao, V.J.M., Deosthale, Y.G., Rana, B.S., Vidyasagar Rao, K., and Rao, N.G.P. (1983a). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum. XXXI. Nutritional quality in grain sorghum: variability for protein, lysine and leucine, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 43(3), 380-382.
    157. Rao, V.J.M., Deosthale, Y.G., Rana, B.S., Vidyasagar Rao, K., and Rao, N.G.P. (1983b). Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in grain sorghum. XXXII. Nutritional quality in grain sorghum: behaviour of crosses between high lysine sorghum and agronomically superior types, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 43(3), 383-394..
    158. Rao, V.J.M., Reddy,B.B., Rana, B.S., and Rao,N.G.P. (1983) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in grain sorghum. XXXIII: Breeding for superior quality storage proteins in grain sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 43(3), 395-403.
    159. Indira, S and Rana, B S and Rao , N G P (1983b) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in grain sorghum. XXXIV: Genetics of host plant resistance to charcoal rot in sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 43(3), 472-477.
    160. Kirti, P.B.; Bharathi, M.; Murty, U.R.; Rao, N.G.P. (1983) Chromosome morphology in three diploid species of Araechis and its bearing on the genomes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea ). Cytologia,  48; 139-151
    161. Rana,B.S., Singh,B.U., Rao,V.J M., Reddy, B.B. and Rao, N.G.P. (1984) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in grain sorghum. XXXV: Inheritance of stem borer resistance in sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 44 (1), 7–14
    162. Rao,V.J.M. and Mehta,S.L. PrakashNam, and Rao,N.G.P. (1984) Ultra structural studies in high lysine sorghums. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 44 (2), 297-304.
    163. Rao,V.J.M. and Mehta,S.L. and Rao,N.G.P. (1984) Breeding sorghums for high protein content and quality, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 44 (2), 305-313.
    164. Barah B.C.,Binswanger,H.P., Rao,G.P.(1984) Genetic analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses in grain sorghum. XXXVI: Breeding optimum plant types in sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 44 (3), 385-398.
    165. Rao,N.G.P., Tripathi,D.P., and Rana,B.S. (1984) Genetic analysis of cytoplasmic systems in sorghum, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 44 (3), 480-496.
    166. Rao, V.J.M., Rana, B.S., Reddy, B.B., and Rao, N.G.P (1984). Genetic upgrading of protein quality in sorghum, In Nutritional and Processing Quality of Sorghum, D.K. Salunkhe, I.K. Chavan, and S.J. Iadhav, Eds., Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp. 67-90.
    167. Reddy,P.R., Rao,K.V., and Rao,N.G.P. (1984a) Plant type considerations in groundnut, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 44 (1), 91-95.
    168. Reddy,P.R., Rao,K.V., and Rao,N.G.P. (1984b) Implications of variety x season interactions in groundnut breeding, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 44 (3), 372-378.
    169. Murty, U.R. and Kirti , P.B. and Bharathi, M. and Rao, N.G.P. (1984) The nature of apomixis and its utilization in the production of hybrids (“vybrids”) in sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Plant Breeding, 92 (1). pp. 30-39.
    170. Rao, N.G.P (1985) Sorghum production in relation to cropping systems. In Proceedings of the International Sorghum Entomology Workshop, 15-21 July 1984, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India, pp 3-11.
    171. Rana, B.S., Singh, B.U. and Rao, N. G. P. (1985) Breeding for shootfly and stem borer resistance in sorghum. In Proceedings of International Sorghum Entomology Workshop, July 13–21, 1984. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA – ICRISAT, Patancheru, India, pp. 347–360.
    172. Tripathi, D. P; Rana, B. S; Rao, N. G. P et al (1985) Genetics of fertility restoration in sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 45(2), 292-301,
    173. Rao N.G.P., Rao V. Jaya Mohan, Reddy B. B. (1985) Progress in genetic improvement of kharif sorghums in India, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 45(3), 552-560.
    174. Rana BS, Jaya Mohan Rao V, Reddy BB and Rao NGP. (1985) Overcoming present hybrid yield in sorghum. Pages 48–59 in Genetics of heterotic system in crop plants: Proceedings of Precongress Symposium XV International Genetics Congress, 7–9 Dec 1983, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.
    175. Murty,U.R., and Rao,N.G.P. (1985) Utilization of apomixes in breeding, Phytobreedon, 1(2), 85-88.
    176. Rao,N.G.P. (1986) Dwarfing genes of sorghum in retrospect, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 46(1), 80-87.
    177. Rana, B.S., Indira, S. and Rao, N. G. P. (1986) Breeding for multiple disease resistance in sorghum. In Genetics and Crop Improvement (Edited by Gupta, P.K. and Bahl, J.R.), Rastogi & Co., Meerut. pp. 115–123.
    178. Rao N.G.P.,  Rao, V.Jaya Mohan, Reddy B. B. (1986) Progress in genetic improvement of rabi sorghums in India , Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 46(2), 348-354.
    179. Rao,N.G.P.,Rao, V.Jaya Mohan, and Reddy,B.B. (1986) Parental improvement for breeding future commercial hybrids, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 46(3), 461-465.
    180. Rao,N.G.P. (1987) Dryland Sorghum, In An Era of Self Sufficiency in Food Production: A Tribute to Indira Gandhi, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 40-43.
    181. Rao,V.J.M, and Rao,N.G.P.(1987) genetic improvement of protein in grain sorghum, In: National Seminaron “Technology and Application for Alternative Uses of Sorghum’, chapter 3, pp 55-69.
    182. Rao,N.G.P.(1987) Reorienting agricultural education, University News, 25, 1-15.
    183. Rana, B.S., Rao,N.G.P.(1989) Often cross pollinated crop- sorghum: In Chopra V.L. (editor) Plant Breeding Theory and Practice, Oxford and IBH Publishers, New Delhi pp. 225-235.
    184. Rao,N.G.P., Rao,G.R.K., and Acharya,H.S.(1989) Yield stability of sorghum and millets across climates, In Climate and Food security, IRRI, Phillippines, 165-185.
    185. Rao,N.G.P.(1989) Agricultural research is changing the Indian rural scene:Crop improvement strategies In Role of Scientific Research and its Management in Accelerating Socio-economic Transformation, Agricole Publishing Academy, pp 83-92.
    186. Rao,N.G.P.(1990) Plant breeding and patenting (IPR): The case of hybrids, National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights, ICAR-NISTADS, New Delhi, April 26-27, 1990.
    187. Rao,N.G.P, and Rao,A.V.(1990) Testing and application of varieties and their implications in rice breeding, International Symposium on Rice Research : New Frontiers, Hyderabad.
    188. Rao, N.G.P. (1991) Advancing Dryland Agriculture: Plant breeding accomplishments and perspective, P Pal Memorial Lecture, Indian Society of Genetics and Plant breeding, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 51(2), 145-173.
    189. Murty, U.R. and Rao, N.G.P. 1997. Sorghum. In Genetics, Cytogenetics and Breeding of Crop Plants, Vol. 2,Cereal and Commercial Craps, P.N. Bahl, P.M. Salimath, and AK. Mandal, Eds. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 197-239.
    190. Rao N.G.P. (2004) Plant Breeding Science and Practice in the Twentieth Century: Some Landmarks. In: Jain H.K., Kharkwal M.C. (eds) Plant Breeding: Mendelian to Molecular Approaches, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 49-64.


  1. N.G. P. Rao and L. R. House (Editors) Sorghum in Seventies, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co, New Delhi, India, 1972, 638 pp.
  2. Yerram Raju and N.G.P. Rao, Andhra Pradesh Vision 2020: Strategy for Sustainable Agricultural Growth., New Age International Publishers, India`2001, 176 pp.
  3. G.P.Rao, N.Perumal and S.L. Ghosal, Training for Agricultural Development, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1997, 182 pp.


Invited Lectures:

  1. Dr Rajendra Prasad Memorial Lecture (Jan 20, 1989), Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat: “Perspectives in Agricultural Research and Development in India: Some Issues for Analysis and Data Base”.
  2. Sri Vasant Rao Naik Memorial Lecture (August 18, 1989), PunjabRao Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra: “Analysis of Maharashtra’s Agricultural Progress and its Policy Implications for Future Growth and Stability”.
  3. Pandit G.B. Pant Centenary lecture (1990), G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttar Pradesh: “ Agricultural Universities and Societal Change”.
  4. P. Pal Memorial Lecture (1991), Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi: “ Advancing Dryland Agriculture: Plant Breeding Accomplishments and Perspective”
  5. Fifth Foundation Day Lecture of the Society of Scientists for Advancement of Agriculture (1991), Hyderabad: “Advancing Dryland Agriculture: Emerging Sciences and Approaches”